Amanda & Tracy

Amanda & Tracy

Friday, October 29, 2010

Baby Mama!!

Amanda calls me her "BABY MAMA" and we are so excited to announce the following news:
We finally received the calendar, the transfer will be
...............................drum roll please..............................................
DECEMBER 10th!! We will find out if I'm pregnant on December 21st. The doctor will transfer two eggs (Amanda & Timmy only have two eggs)! We found out that Abe's insurance will cover my pregnancy. So far everything has been in our favor, I have a great feeling about this journey! We believe in the power of prayer so please continue to pray for us!

1 comment:

  1. Tracy, I am so forever grateful to you and your family. I still cannot believe we find out in 7 days!!!! You are giving me the only thing in life I have ever wanted. There are no words to express my gratitude. You are my heart and I hope to be half the mom you are someday!
    Love you to the moon and back!
