Amanda & Tracy

Amanda & Tracy

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Test result is negative, we are heart broken, we did everything we could possibly do, it was left in God's hands. He has a plan for Amanda & Tim. I know this journey brought us closer than ever, I am so blessed to have such an amazing, strong, beautiful cousin!! Please pray for Amanda & Tim to get through this painful ...time in their lives. Thanks for your love & support!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Transfer Day Dec. 10th

Before we left for the Doctor's office we held hands in my living room as Tim said a beautiful prayer. At this point, we were not sure if the embryos were alive or if they were healthy enough to transfer into my uterus. The transfer day was filled with such emotion by all of us, including the staff. They got to witness the love between two families! My mom & Amanda's dad were with us for support, they were so excited to be apart of our special day!
Amanda & Tim get amazing news...two healthy embryos to transfer!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tomorrow is the BIG day!!

Well, it's here! Tomorrow at 11am we hope to transfer two healthy eggs. I have an acupunture appointment at 10:30am (apparently it helps before and after the transfer). Please keep Amanda, Tim & my family in your prayers. This is truly in God's hand now. I cannot express how amazing my family (Abe & the boys) have been, they are so supportive and help get me through everyday. The progesterone shots are brutal but so worth it! I pray we get a healthy bambino (or two)! Also, I am so touched by all of the encouraging e-mails I've received from friends & family, thank you!!
In Christ,